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How much does an above the ground swimming pool cost?


Above the ground pools cost less than the traditional in-ground pools. They require almost no installation hassles, excavation, materials, and labor costs. Although you still need to keep them clean by buying chemicals and treating your pool, so it is safe for swimming.

Prices for above ground swimming pools could range from as low as $15 to around $4,500, and even a little higher depending on the brand and type.

Here are the 5 common types of above ground pools

There is a wide variety of above ground pool options to choose from, including these most common types:

Inflatable – Inflatable swimming pools are the easiest to set up and dismantle through inflation and deflation. They're also more affordable than steel, aluminum, and resin pools. One setback though, is that they could be susceptible to leaks and puncture plus overspilling.

Kiddie – These kiddie pools are usually small and inflatable. Most come with fun designs for fun. They are shallow pools, but parents will still need to supervise their children as they play in a kiddie pool.

Steel – Steel swimming pools are durable and designed to resist deformation. These pools are generally stronger than aluminum and resin pools. One downside is that steel pools can accumulate rust over time unless you purchase one with a galvanized coating, or you could have it painted.

Aluminum – It is lighter than steel, aluminum pools are still strong and designed to resist corrosion. One setback is that aluminum pools are prone to oxidation when they don't have the proper coating.

Resin – Resin is a type of hard plastic that's strong and built to last in outdoor elements. Resin pools can suffer from fading and cracking over some time.

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