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Bag of Beach Sand


To add to our list is a bag of beach sand for your kid's sandbox.

BAHA Natural Play Sand 20lb for Sandbox

BAHA Natural Play Sand 20lb for Sandbox

This 20 lb BAHA natural play sand is from Bahamian Aragonite that is an ideal play sand material that is safe for your kid. It is pure Aragonite sand that's been sourced from the renowned crystal-clear beaches of The Bahamas that contains no harmful content.

This play sand is dustless, round and smooth in texture, silica free, quartz free, and comes uniform in its grain size. Water could be added to it to make it perfect to build and mold sandcastles.

Truly a certified bag of beach sand from the Bahamas that's environmentally friendly.


  • Sand is very clean and molds well when water is added
  • It could retain its moisture nicely for the kids to enjoy
  • Very white and has a consistent particle size.
  • No dust
  • Just like the beach in the Bahamas
  • It is soft and it feels like you're sitting at the beach
  • It is not sticky at all.
  • You can easily scoop or mold them as you want
  • The quality of the sand is one of the best


  • It might smell weird when it's wet
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