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How many gifts should I buy my child for Christmas?


One of the most discussed issues before Christmas is the number of gifts every parent should give their kid or children.

How many gifts should I buy my child for Christmas?

The most practical is to give 3 gifts, which are symbolical and based on the nativity story wherein the 3 wise men gave Jesus 3 gifts. It would also be the most economical way for modern parents to lessen their expenses, less stress in finding for the gifts, and it would encourage their kid or kids to include in their Christmas wish list what they truly love to receive.

There is also the 4 gifts rule for Christmas that other parents follow where their kid or each of their kid would get 4 gifts each. The 4 gifts should be something they want, need, wear, and read.

The most recent gift-giving pattern to some parents is 5 gifts rule for Christmas. It's just like the 4 gift rule but has an additional 5th gift, an experience gift that they could do and enjoy with their family.

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