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How long has Jenga been around?


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Jenga was created by Leslie Scott that took inspiration from her kid brother's playing block in the early 70s. In this premise, Jenga has been around for more than 4 decades.

Jenga was named by Leslie Scott from the Swahili word "kujenga" which means to build. It got its first exposure in 1983 in the London Toy Fair and followed in 1986 in the Toronto Toy Fair.

Robert Grebler from the US in April 1985 got the exclusive rights to Jenga for the United States and Canada from Lesli Scott. In October of the same year, Robert Grebler was granted worldwide rights under Pokonobe Associates with his two cousins. Wanting to increase the strength of distribution, Pokonobe Associates gave Irwin Toys to sell Jenga in Canada and its major licensee around the globe.

Eventually, Irwin's toys gave Schaper in the US the license to Jenga. Hasbro bought Schaper, and in 1987 they launched Jenga under the Milton Bradley brand.

Today, Hasbro holds the license to Jenga in most countries around the world. The owners of Jenga, Pkonobe Associates claimed that Jenga sold more than 80 million units as of 2017.

How old is Jenga?

The original of the block game is more than 46 years old. Jenga is the iconic game that is simple, using only wooden blocks and yet one of the top three toys of all time. It's been consistently played by the adults and the young alike. It evolved into numerous variations and has maintained its charm and drawing power throughout these years.

Do check out all the classic Jenga and all its variations at Amazon.

Enjoy each Jenga game and experience all the fun where no two games would ever come out alike. Just make sure not to be too impulsive to pull out the block. Don't rush and don't pull and push to remove those loose blocks first at the center. When you ran out of center blocks to pull, shift those side blocks to the center.

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