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How to repair a hole in an inflatable pool float?


It’s actually quite easy to repair a hole in an inflatable pool float. You really don’t need to dispose of the float just because there is a little hole in it. You will need a patch kit to cover it up. However, the repair part is a whole process. First, you need to mark the hole. If you haven’t kept tracked of the hole, you just need to submerge it into water. When you see bubbles in the water, that’s where the hole is. Mark it so you won’t lose it again.

Now that you have it marked, let the float dry. Temporarily cover the hole with a tape. When the inflatable pool float is completely dry, put glue at the back of the inflatable patch. Put the patch over the tape. Allow the patch to completely dry before using it again. Know the kind of patch you need for your inflatable. There are patches for vinyl-made inflatable and rubber-made inflatable. Know the material of your inflatable so you can buy the appropriate patch kit. Just in case you are not sure about the material of your inflatable and you already threw away the label, just call the manufacturer.

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