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Best Electronic Learning Toys for 1-Year-Old: Start them Young!

A few decades ago, it would have been unheard of to allow children to use electronic devices. In fact, there weren’t that many electronic devices back then. But things have changed, and we are now living in the modern digital world. With that said, electronics have become an important part of our lives, for that matter. There is no getting away with it.

But how young should you introduce electronics to children? Actually, it shouldn’t really be about age. It should be about balance. Don’t be afraid of technology. Embrace it! A lot of parents fear technology because of the horror stories associated with it because it allows people to connect with strangers via social media. But you also have to remember that technology is a variety of things. It’s not just one thing. When it comes to children, electronic devices can help empower them and allow them to learn through their own pace.

You have to start them young because technology will only become more complicated in the future. Electronic learning toys will prepare them for the future—school and, eventually the workforce. Electronics can be introduced to children as young as one year old. Just make sure it is more educational than entertaining. But most educational tools for young children are always fun anyway.

Let’s take a look at the best electronic learning toys for a one-year-old kid:

What children will learn?
Just Smarty Interactive Poster
ABCs, 123s, word association
Amazon’s Choice
Leap Frog My First Learning Tablet
ABCs, 123s, colors, shapes, animals
Mom’s Choice Awards recipient
Very affordable
My Learning Remote and Phone Bundle
Animals, calculator, music
Amazon’s Choice
Quite affordable

Just Smarty Interactive Poster

Just Smarty Electronic Interactive Alphabet Wall Chart, Talking ABC & 123s & Music Poster, Best Educational Toy for Toddler. Kids Fun Learning at Daycare, Preschool, Kindergarten for Boys & Girls

It’s a poster, but not an ordinary poster. It is interactive and fun! At one year old, kids want photos and music. This poster certainly has those. Not only are the children learning their ABCs through the poster, they are also associating words with the letter. For example, A is for apple, B is for ball, C is for cat, and so on and so forth. It’s certainly perfect for one-year-olds as they become acquainted with letters. Do you know why else this is a great toy for a one-year-old child? At that age, most children already know a few words. The words on the interactive poster will help the child add words to their ever-growing vocabulary. Plus, the photos are colorful—certain to attract youngsters.

The child will also be quizzed in finding letters and numbers. In a way, their skills will be honed by this poster. Since it’s interactive, the child will have so much fun trying to communicate with a poster. Another fun thing they can do is enjoy music. The interactive poster features nine songs that most of us learned while we were toddlers. Among them are ABC song, Bingo, Five Little Monkeys, Head Shoulders Knees and Toes, and If You’re Happy and You Know It!

It’s no surprise that this is a well-thought-out electronic toy because Just Smarty has a passion for creating educational tools for children.


  • Effective educational tool to learn ABCs
  • Great sound quality
  • Doesn’t take up much space
  • Not messy to play with
  • Simple to learn


  • Hard to activate the voice sometimes
  • Won’t stay flat on the wall'

Where to buy:

Leap Frog My First Learning Tablet

LeapFrog My First Learning Tablet, White and green, Scout

It’s aptly called My First Learning Tablet because it is what it is—a child’s first tablet. It works the same way as a real tablet. Just as you swipe and click icons on your phone or tablet, the child will do the same on their first-ever tablet. By tapping the “pretend apps” on the tablet, the child will learn the all-important ABCs and 123s. They will also learn about animals, colors and shapes. What’s great about this is that children see their parents with their phones, gadget or computer. You know children love to follow what adults do. This tablet is a safer gadget for them to learn various stuff. It has its own camera, too. Children are guaranteed to also enjoy interacting with Scout, the app’s guru.

You know it’s a great electronic toy when parents love it. This learning tablet has the seal of approval from the National Parenting Center. It also received various awards: Mom’s Choice Awards, Tillywig Parents’ Favorite Products Award and Hot Diggity Awards.

Leap Frog has been making innovative educational toys for over two decades. It has always been geared towards creating technology-based toys that are age-appropriate. A lot of the brand’s products are award-winning educational toys.


  • Recipient of at least three awards
  • Features Scout for role-play activity
  • Allows kids to create music
  • Packed with various activities


  • No kid-friendly directions on how to use the tablet
  • Battery runs out quickly

Where to buy:

My Learning Remote and Phone Bundle

JOYIN My Learning Remote and Phone Bundle with Music, Fun, Smartphone Toys for Baby, Infants, Kids, Boys or Girls Birthday Gifts, Holiday Stocking Stuffers Present

Surely, you’ve noticed how children are so attracted to remote controls and phones. They love to push the buttons and sometimes even smash it. Other times, they just want to use it the way adults do. As earlier mentioned, children love to do what adults usually do. They love to role-play, which is part of a child’s growing process. More often, parents just freak out when they see their children playing with the remote or their phone. To prevent incidents like a smashed remote or phone, allow the children to have their own through Joyin’s My Learning Remote and Phone Bundle.

When it comes to the remote control or the phone, chances are children will not respond to its output, hence the possibility of seeing it on the floor. The My Learning Remote and Phone Bundle was created to cater to the child’s whims and interests. As such, they will learn realistic sound effects from animals by switching to the different channels on the Joyin remote. The Joyin phone also features a camera for realism.

Joyin is a fairly new company but it has already presented various toys in the market. It designs and manufactures toys as well as seasonal products. It provides party supplies as well. The company is continuously growing.


  • Extremely fun to play with
  • Stops children from getting adult remote and phone
  • Durable
  • Made of safe plastic


  • Phone has low volume
  • Four is pronounced as “fo”

Where to buy:

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