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Can Kinetic Sand be left out or outside?


Kinetic sand is made of 98% sand and 2% Polydimethylsiloxane, and it resembles wet sand. It's such a cool invention wherein it only sticks to itself. It's moldable, shapeable, and reusable. Its wet property is possible because of Polydimethylsiloxane or dimethicone, which is silicone oil.

This sand is also non-toxic, safe, and non-flammable. Kinetic Sand is now widely used by kids in play and for STEM learning and education.

It's truly amazing, and you would notice that the sand always looks wet, but it never dries out. This toy's special charm makes it fun to mold and has become a top favorite among kids today.

Yes, kinetic sand could be left out since it would never dry out, and it would still be in the same condition before you leave it. It's also revivable and would return to its original state by just adding a few drops of water into it using an eyedropper. It's still usable, fantastic, reshapable, and moldable.

It would still best to keep your kinetic sand in a resealable container or Ziploc even if it doesn't dry out. It would help in its protection and making it dust-free.

What should you do if your Kinetic sand gets dry or wet?

Kinetic Sand never dries out, but it is sensitive to humidity and water. If ever it loses its great texture, the reason could be that the environment is too moist or dry. Don't worry because it would return to its usual texture at 60% humidity.

In case your kinetic sand gets too dry, all you have to do, as mentioned earlier, is just to add a few drops of water and mix and knead it thoroughly.

If it gets wet, just air dry your kinetic sand until it goes back to its normal texture.

After Thoughts

Kids today are a lot luckier because there is kinetic sand. Gone are the days when kids would play with ordinary wet sand that doesn't stay moldable, gets their hand dirty, and makes the play area so messy.

With kinetic sand, kids could play with it as long as they wish and mold it over and over again, it won't stick anywhere except itself, and it's mess-free!

It's your original moldable sensory play sand that's so cool to play with that help in the sensory development in kids and a great way to shape squeezable things.

No wonder kids love it.

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