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Are you allowed to use two hands in Jenga?


Jenga is the iconic block-building game that is well suited for all ages. The blocks are stacked tall like a tower, and each player needs to pull a block out during their turn to make the tower taller, but it should not collapse. The player who pulls out a block and makes the tower fall loses the game.

You are allowed to use two hands but only one at a time. As the Jenga rules state, only one hand at a time could be used to remove or take any Jenga block although you could switch your hand anytime.

It’s not also allowed to hold or to make the tower steady using the other hand.

So remember, only one hand should be used at a time when taking blocks from the tower throughout the game.

Can you use both hands in Jenga?

As mentioned earlier, yes, but only one at a time. You could touch other blocks to test the blocks with both hands alternately. You also need to use one hand only If an occurrence happens that you move a block out of place accidentally. You could also not touch blocks after you started to remove your chosen block to pull out.

Can you use two hands in Jenga?

The main objective is to keep in mind is that you can only use one hand at a time. This Jenga game rule would help you to avoid using both hands and keep an eye on the other players to see if they follow the rule.

How many hands can you use in Jenga?

Two hands are allowed to be used throughout the game, and as you take your turn of carefully removing a block and testing a block beforehand but again, you can only use one hand to pull any block from the tower.

The Jenga rule about only allowing one hand at a time adds to the challenge to this game that requires a few different skills to be able to win.

Jenga is a thrilling game that you would need the steadiness of your hand, hand-eye coordination, precision, patience, and concentration skills, as well as your style while playing.

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