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Sandbox Sand Safety Issues


The safety of the sandbox is very important and crucial in every child's sand playing. Here are the guidelines for sandbox sand safety issues.

Sandboxes would be much safer safe if constructed and have with the right materials, and it's well-taken care of

The frames should not be made with inexpensive railroad ties since they might cause splinters and may be infested with creosote, which is a carcinogen. The best sandbox material is non-toxic timbers or plastic or inflatable ones.

What sand is safe for your sandbox?

Purchase only natural river sand or beach sand

Avoid sand products made from:

Crushed limestone

Crushed marble

Crushed crystalline silica or quartz

Other sand that is dusty

How to make your sandbox safe.

Your sandbox should be covered when it's not in use 

Be sure your sand is dry before putting a cover for the night

You should rake your sand regularly to remove debris, clumps, or other foreign objects  

Never let your pets to play with your child in the sandbox. It might be mistaken for their litter box

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