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Why are Nerf guns bad?


It’s a mixed response if you ask parents about their kids playing with toy guns. Kids, on the other hand, would find ways to have make-believe guns to play with.

It’s within the parent’s jurisdiction if they’ll go ahead and let their kids play with toy guns or a Nerf gun in particular.

A Nerf gun being bad would depend on how you look at it from your perspective. But they are made to be safe, for fun, active play, and kids.

Some parents would deal with it head-on and weigh on it objectively.  They lay their cards on the table before they purchase a toy gun for their kid and use age-appropriate language to discuss violence and the right handling and mindset towards the gun.

Things like it’s only a play, and you should only aim it at people you play with, don’t aim at the head or animals, there are only places you could play or bring it, and not all people agree on toy guns. There would be countless more ways to teach your kid the proper gun handling.

Kids are innately good-natured without anger, hate and are not violent. It’s how we mold them to become even better people that really matters. Nerf guns are not bad; it’s how they could be handled wrongly that could make them look bad.

The reason why Nerf guns are brightly colored is to set them apart like a toy gun and not a real gun.

Why are Nerf guns not bad?

  • Allowing any kid to play with Nerf guns would allow him or her to use her imagination, which would be helpful to healthy development
  • It offers open-ended play
  • It helps in social and cognitive development
  • It creates an opportunity to educate and communicate with your kid the importance of handling and self-regulation towards guns, and the difference between a toy and real guns
  • It teaches kids about self-control, discipline, and fair play
  • Kids learn the difference between real and pretend play. They could identify the distinction only if they have experienced playing fantasy violence in Nerf games
  • By playing with pretend guns, children have the opportunity to figure out the concept of power, leadership, authority, strength, and control while playing with Nerf  guns
  • Playing Nerf games gives constant movement and needs a lot of energy that makes a fantastic cardio workout
  • It teaches about teamwork
  • Kids learn to figure out the problems and come up with creative solutions
  • It enhances speed, agility, and spatial awareness to further develop
  • Playing with Nerf guns and games are for children to build great friendships that could last a lifetime

Overall, the advantages and benefits of Nerf guns outweigh any negative implications others perceived on kids playing with Nerf guns.

After Thoughts

Nerf guns won’t be enjoying their success for more than two decades if they are bad. The popularity and longevity of these toy guns could be attributed to its well-meaning intentions to give a safe and fun active play to kids.

Parents also play a huge role in being ever-present to guide their kids on their proper handling, attitude, and mindset towards toy guns.

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